Saturday, March 1, 2008

Deconstruction of a Dinner

How many lucky elements can you pick out from the image of the ginger celebration dinner?

1. Sparkling Wine The vintage Canard Duchene was on sale for $15. While neither of us was overwhelmed with the 1999 vintage, perhaps because the ginger salad dressing and ginger-soy tuna overwhelmed the champagne, we were still lucky to be able to try it for the price.

2. Scrabble Hard to tell from the photo, but I drew no vowels to start (two games in a row!) which was lucky for The Mister as my wasting a blank on the first move, (along with his superior playing), led him to victory.

3. Triple Ginger Cake, Roses, and Nice Candles The Mister did his part and bought roses from a student organization I'm associated with. I baked a dense cake with dried, fresh, and candied ginger and the beeswax candles from my Seattle Sibs seem to be lasting forever.

4. Celestial Quilt Top Just a hint of the lucky stars I'll be sharing with a baby who is due in April but who's mother is certain will emerge any day now.

5. Having a Mister with whom to cook silly theme meals, drink champagne and play Scrabble. Sometimes I'm just really lucky.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your celebration dinner. I am lucky to have such fine kids, even though they are FAR away.
The quilt looks great. I am anxious to see the finished product.

Beth said...

I wish we lived closer so we could have a couples game of scrabble. :-)

Irene said...

The April baby will surely appreciate the lucky celestial quilt - or at least her mother will.