Sunday, April 6, 2008

Felix Felicis

Reading about Felix Felicis, amazing good luck potion in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, raised several questions in my mind.
1) Are cats lucky? Felix and felic mean luck, are feline and felid of similar derivation?
2) What are your good luck potions? Food? Drink? Perfume? Pens? Lipstick?
3) Is feeling lucky really the same as being lucky?
4) Why did I spend so much of my spring break reading Harry Potter?


Marieke said...

I'm sure cats are lucky. And if you feel lucky, you are lucky--you're open to luck happening to you.

Let's see, my good luck potion. I'd have to say... tea! Tea (herbal or not) suits any occasion but is especially useful for moments of the blues, headache, fatigue, grumpies, awkwardness, or dissatisfaction. And it can be used as a flirtation device. Very lucky there!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I've never thought of tea as being particularly lucky, but I have thought of it as an amazing cure all. This brings us back to the idea of when something is lucky. I could definitely argue that a substance that makes everything calmer, better, less tragic and generally manageable (my relationship with tea) is far luckier than something that makes me feel ready for good things to happen (my relationship with new lipstick, much to my embarrassment), but I don't classify such calming powers as lucky most of the time.

Thanks for commenting.