Friday, December 5, 2008

Knock on Wood

I've always shied away from blaming bad luck as a causal agent. I've lived with and adored black cats, have no problem with 13, and cannot see how a tails up penny could possibly hurt my fortune. Bad things obviously happen, but they just happen; good things are luck or of God.

Yet I do not like to tempt fate. I really do knock on wood when I predict something good is going to happen (and I have a very brief flashback to my dancing days with Happy Cricket and our "Knock on Wood" dance). So join me in tapping on my oak door frames as I mention that this year finals week is going to go smoothly.

My first year teaching my grandfather died during finals week. Last year I had a miscarriage and surgery. Finals begin on Monday and this year I am going to grade exams, bake cookies, shop for Christmas presents and clean my house. That's all. Knock.


janet said...

you better knock knock knock on wood. you better knock knock knock on wood. you better knock knock knock. on wood. baaaaa-by....

Jennifer said...

I don't know the song, but I am always knocking on wood. Somewhere I have picked up knocking on my head if no wood is available, as a play on being wooden headed.