Friday, October 24, 2014

Forward progress, results not in

Some updates on some of the many things going on in our lives:
1)  The Mister will be the judge at the Tree to Table Event to support on Tuesday.  I'll be contacting those of you who offered to pitch in.  I'm very excited, having found both a sub for my lab and a babysitter.  I had even figured out what to wear before I heard the recent weather forecast. 
2) The Royals are in the World Series!  Yes, we are excited.  It is tied 1-1 as of writing.
3) My tenure document in all of its beautifully tabbed, color-coded glory, was turned in on Monday.  I should hear in April about the outcome.
4) We are headed to Kansas for the funeral of one of Jeff's uncles who will be much missed.  I've mentioned before that I am not sure about how to write about such things, other than to remind my father, father-in-law, brother and brother-in-law that you are somebody's cherished uncles and please take care of yourselves.  It is also the anniversary of the death of my uncle who died far too young, and a colleague just died and . . . . Well, life is uncertain.  Please enjoy it.
5) I have three times as many plants in my study population as in the past.  This is not making the field season finish quickly, although it is interesting.
6) 90 degrees F in late October it too hot.
7) Soccer in the evenings makes the boys in my life cranky.  Or maybe just me.  I'm okay that the season is ending on Tuesday.
8) Eastern Oklahoma was beautiful last week, even though most of the trees hadn't turned.
9) The boys are growing up.
10) I still can't rotate photos when I use this computer.  Hmmm.  Happy Fall.

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