Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Flat Plants: They are no joke

If you received something from me in your e-mail today (April 1), you might be wondering what's true, because you know that I can't make this stuff up.  Except that I do make it up, at least some of it.

I am giving a seminar this afternoon entitled "11,000 Flat Plants" and it was announced in both the big city and the local paper recently.

My students did present at the Oklahoma Invasive Species Conference.

I spoke about prairie turnips at the University of Oklahoma last week.

CHASA is a very real support organization for people with hemiplegia and their families.  Some parents I communicate with are in Australia.

Rabbits have been a horrible invasive species in Australia and are partially displacing the lovely native bilby, which has very large ears, making it great for a chocolate figure.  Bilbies Not Bunnies! is a real campaign.

One of my former students is a Timbersports Champion.  An elementary friend has been testing for American Ninja Warrior (but apparently didn't make this season) and Jennifer does have amazing plant photography.

It did storm impressively.  The hail didn't add up.

Prairie Chicken's lek.  The leek in the plumbing comes up every year and there has yet to be a Lek Off for Love because they keep getting scheduled for June 31.

1 comment:

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Oh, and my ankle (the one I shattered in the soccer game 15 years ago) does ache with changes in the weather.