Monday, May 3, 2021

Kites and Flowers

 I was walking to work this morning (Monday, May 3) and thinking how odd it was that I haven't seen a kite yet.
I walked home at 10:30 and there were 12 on the power lines in one alley.  
Two friends around town mentioned seeing single kites over the weekend, and they certainly aren't ALL here yet, but I would argue that they truly arrived approximately 9 am this morning.
(In 2020 I saw 2 on April 30 and then a larger bunch on May 1.)

In my other annual phenology update: here's my May Day bouquet (actually picked on May 2).  The peony is the only peony currently in flower (from against a south-facing brick wall), the irises are at about peak, and none of the roses, honeysuckle, or mock oranges is blooming yet.  The wheat is from the growing wheat patch (last year I baked a loaf of bread from it).  My next career might be growing grains for the florist industry.  The Mister suggests that might not be much of a career, but one can hope.

1 comment:

Rancher510 said...

Good luck on the raising wheat vocation!