Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lark Warning

Lark Rise is well-written and perhaps charming in spots (Marieke and I are discussing that right now), but there is no plot, and possibly no story.
While I'd love to have more people in on the discussion, most of us like something to happen in a book labeled as a novel, and now that I'm far enough into it to know that there is no action, I can't very well recommend joining us (except perhaps for Amateur Reader, who has claimed a few times that he doesn't care much about plot).
As Marieke writes, "I expected there to be a story. With characters, events, and dialogue. With a flow to it. I'm not finding that at all."
You're still most welcome to participate in the discussion, but you have been warned.


Marieke said...

I think some authors could achieve 'no plot' much more effectively than Thompson here! I don't think I'm a slave to plot, usually. This is just so... random bits thrown together. It lacks... artistry.

Anonymous said...

Day of the Triffids though, cool book.