Sunday, September 30, 2012

Is there ever a wrong time?

It's not been an easy semester so far.  I've had incapacitating back issues, sick kids, sick spouse and a case of severe crankiness.  Admittedly, it's been easier than the previous three semesters, and I have it much easier than many of my friends who are facing real health and job issues, but knowing it could be worse doesn't actually make giant stacks of ungraded papers go away any faster.
Last week (or rather two weeks ago now, but it feels like just last week), was particularly frenetic with a house guest following a week of sick toddler (like sleeping with Darth Vader punctuated by seals mating) and sick babysitter/housecleaning helper.

And then a colleague down the hall told me that I was really "slimming nicely".  Then my guest, my graduate advisor, traded compliments about me with my current bosses.  It felt a bit like he was fishing for them, but I became convinced that everyone was sincere, if not normally so forthcoming about my positive attributes.  My students told me what a great speaker my advisor was, one going so far as to thank me for bringing him. My peer reviewer thought nutrition labels were an excellent addition to biological molecule discussions.  And one of my neighbors spontaneously told me how much his family loves my giant sunflower patch and "wild" flower garden.

Things were much better.

Amazing the benefit of a compliment at just the right time.

Which, reminds me, have I told you how good you are looking these days?  That I love the way you laugh when you read things I write?  That you're a great friend (or odd random reader) and I really appreciate having you in my life?
You are and I do.


Debbie said...

So here I am pestering you with questions about teaching for the first time and complaining about the humidity and lack of chalkboard erasers, and unbeknownst to me you have a bad back and household of sickos. Forgive me for not asking how your semester is!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Debbie, I've very much enjoyed hearing your stories and trying to help with first semester struggles-- I know how hard that is with erasers in reasonably cool places.
My back is generally much better (the first week of school I was afraid I wasn't going to make it through class without crying)but I still need to watch it closely. And the sickos-- well that's what happens to toddlers in day care (I'm not sure what the Mister's problem is).
You're completely forgiven.
And, you're looking great!
And I talk about what you are doing all the time. Thanks for doing it!