Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rosy Rodents in Love

Groundhog Day celebrated late = Groundhog Day + Valentine's Day = Groundhogs in Love Party
Groundhogs in Love Party + Floraganza = dramatic rose things
I purchased rose water and rose syrup at the Asian supermarket in The City, intending to make a big batch of a signature rose cocktail for the party.  And then I tasted the water and syrup.  Truthfully, they taste like almost nothing.  Except that you can't taste them without smelling them.  And they smell like roses.  Too many of the same roses stuffed into a bottle.  Overly perfumy cloying fake roses* used to disguise some off scent and only making it worse.  It is not actually a bad smell.  But the overall effect is definitely not good.

So I made a batch of my signature spring party punch (pink lemonade and lemon zinger tea with a little bonus ginger and lemon), added a few drops of rose water, added a chunk of dry ice and let attendees dose with rum and rose to taste.  Collectively they added far more of the former than the latter, and I don't blame them.

Dianthus insisted on baking cupcakes (a great cocoa, boiling water, and oil chocolate cake recipe from Tish Boyle's fabulous  The Cake Book), and I let him talk me into the horrid looking marshmallow "cupcake toppers" because they were half price and I was throwing a Groundhogs in Love Party during Floraganza.

Oh, and for those of you pay attention to tradition will be happy to know that pork (aka ground hog) dumplings were eaten, pin the shadow on the groundhog was played, and the rodents came out to frolic.

*Even though I think it is not fake.  The only ingredient on the rose water is "distilled roses"

1 comment:

Chateau said...

Wish we could have been there!