Sunday, December 8, 2013

Quirky is as quirky does

One of my great fears is that I am really quite pedestrian.  Not in the literal walking everywhere sense, which I would take as a compliment, but in the ordinary in not a good way sense (vulgare if we were describing a plant).
Don't get me wrong, I'm also afraid of being too weird, of being utterly incomprehensible and unrelatable. And I'm not on some "I'm above the rules" power grab; I'm just striving to be quirky.
When written this way, this embarrasses me (but apparently not so much that I am unwilling to post it for my parents, my in-laws and all the world to see).  Striving to be quirky is something that I should have outgrown in college.  I should have gotten over longings to be enigmatic long ago.
But I guess I haven't.
So I'm going to indulge them for a few minutes.
Here's a list of ten things, in no particular order, that I like and am regularly surprised to find myself in the minority about, half holiday, half not.
1. Fruitcake
2. Mincemeat pie (American spiced fruit type)
3. Eggnog
4. Greenery that grew
5. Brussels sprouts
6. Beets (parsnips, turnips, kale, eggplant, winter squash)
7. Knives and napkins on the table
8. Statistics
9. Anchovies, oysters and mussels
10. Walking

What do you enjoy that you are surprised to find others find odd?


Amateur Reader (Tom) said...

The quirkiest thing is the regular surprise. Most people, at this point, would no longer be surprised.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I know, I know, but I watch a lot of cooking television, and read food books, so feel surrounded by anchovy vegetable lovers. Somehow it really is surprising when I discover (yet again) that I am not.
Fortunately, I have siblings in law, who share my fondness for vegetables and seafoods, which they will receive in tins for their upcoming tin anniversary.

Chateau said...

Hooray for fruitcake!