Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kids in the Snow

No real commentary here, just cute images. The deeper snow was in Central Kansas, the rest in Colorado.  The snowman was a morning project on January 1.  We had to scavenge snow from around the neighborhood and it was completed by the time the sun came out at 9 a.m. Aster had been involved with snowman creation, but was too cold by the time cameras were pulled out (and, perhaps, looked around and said, "Exercise? Check.  Artistic endeavor?  Check.  Anything else I need to do in 2014?).  The tall girls are my nieces. (Yes, the same lion and mouse pictured here.  Weird things happen in six years to six-year-olds).  The elder of the sledding girls was born after a croquet tournament in 2007 and my dear friend (apparently Distinguished Diplomat on this blog) was pregnant with her sister when we visited Rome in 2009. Babies stop being babies and start being sledding kids!  Craziness, I know.

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