Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Obligatory Autumn Catch-Up

Or maybe I'll just post a photo of a leaf with galls, Aster and Dianthus with one of their cousins, the tarts I made for a Fall Festival and a ninja and a pumpkin with a moldy carved spaghetti squash.

Somehow, there are no pictures of soccer season, a very long rag-weed allergy season, bed bugs, clogged dryer vents, the 1,000 plants where I expected 300, or even the third grade choir concert.

Yes, one costume is the same as last year, and yes, they have grown (compare here).


Chateau said...

Autumn is indeed very special: leaves, happy kids in leaf piles, happy kids in Halloween costumes and soon to be happy kids eating beautiful and delicious tarts and pies. Happy Autumn!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Papa