Monday, November 11, 2019

Mo'BallMoNo Begins

Recently I was telling someone about the seasons in my life ("spring semester" but it really is winter, groundhog day, spring semester and spring soccer, finals, field season, summer, back to school, crazy season, I survived crazy season, "Thanskgiving, finals and Advent", actual "holidays").

"Crazy season" lasts Labor Day to Fall Break and includes the time in which I teach double lectures, Aster and Dianthus's soccer seasons, and my field season.  This year I was also writing a promotion document and Dianthus was doing before-school Lego League during the same time.  While most of that is done, we haven't fully entered "I survived crazy season" because my students and I have only documented 1,917 of the the nearly 3,000 plants in a place where there were 44 last year.

BUT, I am back on the ball and thinking about ball things and things other than teaching and will blog again. 
In fact, I am so excited to blog again that I am calling it More Ball Month November (Mo'BallMoNo) and I have a lot to say.  That's right, I am so caught up that I am starting a month-long November project on the 11th, and then not really starting it now.

Balls soon.  In the meantime.  Cyclanthera dissecta (now C. naudiniana) after an early (Oct. 12) freeze and think about waging piece to remember the Armistice.

Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor, nature and water

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