Thursday, July 23, 2009

Last Week of Freedom

Barring the possibility that the baby decides to emerge sooner, or the OB who will be on-call disagrees with the OB who I have been seeing (who will be on vacation), Mervivan Alloicious will start emerging next Wednesday (July 29).
So, what would you do if you knew you had one week left?
Or, more precisely, what would you do if you had one week left before a small human takes over your life, and you (or your partner) could not sit for more than an hour at a time, drink alcohol, bend at the waist, walk up steep hills, ride roller coasters, or spend very much money, and you lived in a small town in Central West Virginia.
I'd bet you'd come up with something more exciting than filing papers. Maybe I will, too. But somehow I doubt it.


Irene said...

You've likely already heard these things, but my suggestions are:
- SLEEP as much as you can or want to.
- smooch and snuggle with The Mister.
- read books.
- have intelligent, coherent adult conversations with friends and family, especially anyone you haven't talked to in a while.
- cook yummy freezable meals to reheat after the baby is born.

Beth said...

I would do everything Irene suggests and also:
-make sure that the baby room and hospital bag are ready
-make sure your "omg I need someone else here" numbers are easily available for when you need backup
-go out to dinner and a movie
-more SLEEP
-relax and enjoy
-maybe spend an evening or day alone and one just with the Mister


SiL said...

A friend of mine made two small discoveries with her first baby. First, he was soothed when she sang to him. Second, she couldn't remember many songs. So, much to her own frustration, she sang fragments of lullabies, pop songs, and whatever she could come up with while walking the floor in the night. And during the day, she grilled her friends, looking for nice, easy-to-remember tunes. So, whether you plan to croon "Froggy Went A-courtin'" or "Bizarre Love Triangle," you might want to look up the words now.
Alternately, you could just sit on the sofa and blast all your favorite soon-to-be-under-"don't-wake-the-baby"-restrictions death metal tunes.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Okay all you practical minded friends, you know I was looking for something like a crazy bucket list but with a few caveats to accomodate the awkward size, don't you? Of course your ideas are all very sound, but they sound a bit much like what I am actually planning on doing:
-planting perennials we bought on sale
-taking books and clothes to the thrift store
-making bio notes for the guy taking over my classes
-washing sheets, diapers, etc.
-paying bills
-packing bag
-hanging quilt on wall
-making curtains?
-sleeping plenty
-petting my cat
-cleaning the car and installing the car seat
-reading a bunch ('cause that's what I'm doing this summer)
-calling friends
-eating ice cream

If I get my cleaning act together enough that I can make a new mess: quilting Annika's quilt, getting TT's baby's knitting in order so I can work on it while being induced, making a pre-baby scrapbook because I know I'll never do it after baby and baking.

There's no place to eat dinner and go to a movie within the one hour drive restriction, so that's out.

Jenny said...

How about sipping lemonade in the shade, dipping feet in a stream, daydreaming in a hammock, baking something really indulgent?

Irene said...

Alright, fine. Here is just ONE crazy suggestion, but it's a good one.

Do some maternity photographs, both clothed and skyclad. Outdoors. In broad daylight.

Dare ya.

Ad Astra said...

Enjoy the sound of silence, and the feeling of solitude!

Also, lots of desserts!

Thinking of you and can't wait to meet your new family members.

BTW, your 'to do' list is overly ambitious and you should focus on relaxing and activities you enjoy (which I'm guessing do not include filing papers). Of course this advice comes from someone who desperately needs to clean her closets, but prefers to just close the door!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Thanks all. I did get my random junk piles down to own tub per floor (which is rather phenomenal considering where I started. Ad Astra-- it is totally true that filing papers is not what I most enjoy doing, but it is also something that I know I will not get done with a baby). I did not bake anything (bought local peaches for a pie, which did not ripen as quickly as I thought they would. Now I have peaches still two days from optimal ripeness-- do I leave out, stick in fridge or freeze?), I did read a few more books, started a knitting project, found hooks for a changing quilt display over the crib, and spoke with several friends and family members at length (sorry to anyone else who tried to call-- I don't usually have several 2 hour conversations in a day, but somehow managed to this week). I did make the Mister photograph me and Mister Splashy Pants among the flowers, but only one of us was naked.

Anyway, it's 10:30 p.m. and I am scheduled to be at the hospital at 7 am, so I should be hitting bed. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and I promise bean (and maybe baby, but more likely bean) photos next week.

Tucson Trekker said...

I got in on the action here too late, but hope your last infant-less (external infant, anyway) was a good one!