Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wanting Endurance

I'm hanging out at the hospital waiting for the baby to emerge, longing for a different book than what I have. My historical romance (Anna Seyton's Katherine) seems good, but I'm not yet fully into it, my knitting is tough with the IV line and blood pressure cuff, and television, even though it is fascinating because I don't have it at home, is not fascinating. As someone who has not had television reception at all for three years, I find I no longer have any tolerance for commercials.
In any case, we've been here for 27 hours and I am just now starting to have contractions that hurt. Hopefully that means that I'm going into "real" labor and that a baby will emerge sooner (rather than later) and I won't be checking my computer again, but it might mean the process is just going to be super-drawn out in which case you should comment or e-mail me and keep me amused.
Hope all is well with all of you-- and I am still open for suggestions of breastfeeding books.


Amateur Reader (Tom) said...

Yes, the commercials, exactly. And they're now almost a third of the program.

The classic breastfeeding book of English literature is Part II of Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1741). I haven't read it - it sounds terrible, unreadable.

Good luck, stay healthy.

Irene said...

I'm sorry to hear that it's going slowly - I hope things speed up soon, and/or some interesting TV program distracts you from boredom and uncomfortable contractions.

Thinking of you and Mervivian, and eagerly awaiting more news!

I wish I had ideas for books to read while breastfeeding; it seems like something I should have opinions about. Maybe The Count of Monte Cristo is a good breastfeeding book, since it's lengthy, involving but not too involving, classic but not too challenging to read while sleep deprived.

janet said...

hey! well??? i hope you are having a baby. i'm glad i checked over here to get the update. mmmm...i'll have to do more thinking about breastfeeding books.

Erin said...

SS - I'm thinking of you, too (two?). Hope things are pushing along. I can't wait to find out more about Mervivian! Good luck!

SiL said...

Good luck!

Hey, how about reading The Arabian Nights (I think you can get a 17 volume edition), since that's certainly a page-turner? Or something less immense, but nice and chunky, like Orlando Furioso?

Of course, if you'd like something a little less exotic, I have Dodie Smith's I Capture the Castle here on the shelf. Should I bring that along?

The Mister said...

Alien monkey (aka William Allen Walker) has arrived. Boy. 6 pounds, 13 ounces. All that stuff.

Jenny said...

HURRAH!! Welcome to the outside world, William Allen Walker! And congrats to your awesome parents!

Molly said...

Congratulations to the whole family! I can't wait to meet William and hope everyone is getting some rest...

Tucson Trekker said...

WHOOOOAAAA!!! Congrats and felicitations! Welcome small new being who will be a source of joy, stress, and sleeplessness for two fabulous parents!!

Beth said...


Ad Astra said...

Congratulations and welcome to the world William!

Not sure if this is the best for breastfeeding, but I enjoyed "Beneath a Marble Sky", a fictional love story of the building of the Taj Mahal, which does have a number of plot points grounded in fact. It was a bit off the beaten path for me, but interesting.