Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nerdy, Nerdier, Nerdiest?

The Mister: I wonder if the pattern of Dianthus's hair is a fibonacci series.

My colleague (upon learning that the Mister had said this): well, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out the molecular angles in the amino acid.
Me: But it's not just the kinking of the disulfide bonds in the keratin of the hairs, it would also be the cell cleavage in the formation of the scalp.


Beth said...

comment from my hubby - I'm almost positive it would be. :-)

This post made me miss you both.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Your hubby thinks so too? We miss you too. There are only so many people one can share such joys with and, while I am blessed with having many in my life, I see too few of them regularly.

Jennifer said...

To funny, I am not sure which of those comments is the nerdiest.

Cute baby head, even if it is not a fibonacci series.

Maybe it is fractal?

Irene said...

For the sake of comparison: here is a spiral based on the Fibonacci sequence.

I certainly see a resemblance.

janet said...