Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Black Widow Bite Was Worse

Labor was not fun, and not pushing because I was suddenly ready and the doctor wasn't here when my body was ready for pushing was torturous, but altogether, bringing Dianthus's little brother out this morning was less painful than the black widow bite.
Anyway, our second son emerged right about 5 a.m. this morning. He weighs 7 lbs. 6.9 oz. and is sleeping soundly at the moment. The rest of us are all okay, too.


Ad Astra said...

Welcome little one! Get some rest, Lisa! Big congratulations to all!

Amateur Reader (Tom) said...

Congratulations! Howdy, new little fellow!

Anonymous said...

And because of the miracles of modern technology, SKYPE, we were able to see the little man even though we're several hundred miles away. that was very nice, seeing Andrew, Lisa, and jeff----but no william. He probably felt left out. Anyway, we now have two wonderful grandsons.

carla said...

hello, congrats!!!
hope all is well....
miss you guys.
was he born on the 23rd of july? that is sarahs birthday also..
you take care and i cant wait to see pics.....
hugs to you all