Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Other Resolutions

While my fun resolution (or theme for the year) garners attention on this blog, I do have "normal" resolutions as well.
Every year I resolve to read 50 books. I usually come close, but usually don't know if I've actually succeeded. In 2011 I read more than 60. I'll post the list once I figure out how to add pages (which will involve having time at home to devote to learning new technology steps, so don't count on it anytime soon).
In 2012, I plan to read at least 50 books.
I will read a book a month with a friend as part of the continuing STIR project (Portugeese novel up for February).
I plan to return to my pre-pregnancy weight by my birthday.
I will exercise, as exercise (in addition to the daily commuting walking) at least once a week.
I will write at least one hand-written piece of correspondence each month.
The Mister is trying to better manage our food supply, cook more with local and interesting products and eat more whole grains. I'm heartily with him on all of these.
In 2012, I also have a few possibly impossibly paradoxical ambitions:
I want to be more social without being a social coordinator.
I want to want to not bring any work home, teach as well and research better than I have, and leave work earlier.
I want to stress less about convention and perception while having a cleaner house, looking sharper and being a more in-touch friend and correspondent.

Beyond that, I'm going to brighten with acid, but you'll need to wait for Janet's birthday/lunar New Year to learn about that.


Sparkling Squirrel said...

Oh, and more protein and less meat in the diet.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!!