Friday, April 1, 2016

Glowing Happened; Invasive Species Chocolate Not-So Much

If you are on the blog because of an e-mail sent to you today, April 1, you might like to know that Aster really did complete a 1-mile "glow" run last night (as did Dianthus, The Mister, and I) but none of us shattered any glow bracelets into our bodies.
Invasive Species Chocolate is a great idea you are welcome to use and someday I really am going to have a prairie chicken conservation fundraiser called a Lek-Off, but it will not be on June 31, because June 31 doesn't exist.

Oh, and yes, it is Bird Year here on the blog.


Sparkling Squirrel said...

Oh, and the election to the invasive plant council board is real (I didn't even run on a "Let's build a wall and make Kansas pay for it" platform) and if you are going to be in Kentucky, West Virginia, Kansas or Colorado this summer, we should figure out how to meet up.

Anonymous said...

I want you to mount an attack on this new pest, the prairie crabapple!!!!