Saturday, May 7, 2016

The kites are in control

The Mister and I saw one Mississippi kite very early this year, on April 7, but then I didn't see another one again until April 25.  Friday, April 29 there were ten in a tree near the park and today they were all over the place.

Most of the spring we've had a mockingbird singing from atop the pecan tree on the corner of our street.  I've been dismayed the last two days to find that a kite has take over the spot.

I was telling our new vertebrate professor my brief history of kite phenology (a.k.a. they come at finals every year) when he reminded me that they weren't here when he was growing up.

Change happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought I had posted this earlier, but apparently not-- are you aware that there is a song entitled "Oh Groundhog" by Elizabeth Mitchell and Lisa Loeb? Seemed like something you should know :). We only just discovered this on a road trip to upstate NY with the girls, after hearing multiple versions of "The Wheels on the Bus" and needing to hear something both kid and adult friendly...
I hope you are well and am excited that you will be posting frequently this month!