Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tomasello Anelletti 56

My BiL and SiL frequently give us tasty treats for Christmas. This year our bundle of deliciousness included these Tomasello Anelletti 56. I'm a sucker for pasta shapes (although it is really hard to beat a nice noodle) so I think the kale, sausage and cheese preparation created by the Mister was enhanced by the slightly chewy pasta loops. Thanks to BiL and SiL! Thanks to the Mister for cooking.
Of course everything in the winter (this was eaten back in February, I'm a little behind on my blogging) is enhanced by brussel sprouts and brussel sprouts are greatly enhanced by carmelized alliums and pine nuts.


Amateur Reader (Tom) said...

Hey, that looks tasty.

The Mister said...

I was, more or less, following this recipe.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Despite my resolution, and my regularly cooking of lots of pasta, I believe the Mister is the only one in the household who has actually followed a pasta recipe this year so far.