Monday, January 31, 2011

Taking the changes in stride

Dianthus has not had an easy time of it recently. He's unknowingly expecting a sibling for his second birthday and complications of his mother's pregnancy have reduced her ability to play with him, he has the flu, he had a febrile seizure last night and spent the evening in the emergency room*, the wind is whistling with the Arctic Blast moving into town, and school has already been canceled for tomorrow. Mister Splashy Pants fights back. His mean parents will not let him stand on the kitchen table, change the time on the answering machine, throw food on the floor more than once per meal or climb into the refrigerator. And his eyes are no longer blue.
Yet, somehow Dianthus seems to be doing really well and finds ways to make clicking his tongue the epitome of giggle-fit-inducing hilarity.

*Inclusion in the middle of a humorous list does not, in any way, make this funny. It is another of these extremely worrying things that one wouldn't even think to know can happen, and even if you thought to remember that fevers can cause "benign seizures" it would never occur to you when your child or grandchild suddenly goes limp and seems to stop breathing that it might "just be a febrile convulsion" and won't hurt the child at all.
Images of late December snow in Colorado (it hasn't snowed here yet this season), eating his black-eyed peas (lucky legumes!) on New Year's Day, and eyes of indeterminate color.


janet said...

Sorry to hear about the seizure....that would scare me! I have a snow day for tomorrow..but so far, it's only raining!

salsis said...

I thought you were talking about Mr. Splashy Pants getting back at you, and the throwing food on the floor during the meal was confusing. So if he's not allowed on the table, how does he throw food on the floor if he's presumably already eating at floor level? The other 3 scenarios of course made sense to me.

Jennifer said...

I love the photo of him in the hiking boots. He's adorable, blue eyes or not.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

And now that the Arctic Blast has arrived in town, and it is snowing (albeit lightly) and it's 9 degrees outside (F; that's -13 C) and blowing hard, poor Dianthus has mean parents that will not let him go outside and play, even though they don't have to teach today.

SalSis- Since Mister Splashy Pants is female, it didn't even occur to me that those sentences could be read that way, as Dianthus was the only "he" in the paragraph.

Carlos said...

Yikes! Glad he's ok.