Monday, March 11, 2013

Hyacinths and Flowery Personality

In my office, I have a pot of three forced hyacinths in full bloom.  Their sweet perfume overwhelms me each time I come in the door.  Each time I think, "Wow, that's too much.  I'm not really a very floral person."
But they've stayed in my office all day.
Meanwhile, my colleague couldn't stand the single stem I gave her for an hour.
To some, I am the pinnacle of floral (I'm celebrating floraganza for a year after all).  Later this week I will provide photographic evidence that I am most definitely NOT a flowery person. In the meantime, I'd appreciate comments on floral, flowery, and floraphillic personality traits and which ones we each possess.

1 comment:

janet said...

I like plants, and I'm certainly drawn to a splash of color which is typically the flowers. But, I also like having green around me, a lush jungle without blooms would make me just as happy. It just wouldn't grab my attention as fast? Maybe?

I don't decorate in florals or have a lot of floral clothing. I do use flowery speech from time to time. :)