Friday, March 29, 2013

Phenology Report

The crocus in the lawn are fading.  We've had crocus consistently since Feb. 10 in a few distinct waves, starting and ending with yellow.  In succession: little golden yellow crocus, dark purple bulb iris, pale purple and white crocus, dark purple crocus, and now large golden yellow crocus with a few bright blue squill coming in.
Cherries and pears started opening March 14, but we've had such erratic weather since then, that they are just now in full bloom.  Similarly, the lilac buds have stalled from when they started to swell two weeks ago.  Meanwhile, the elms have moved on and are now in fruit, the roses have full leaves, and my spicy currant is now in flower.
Without looking, I think we are about a week behind normal and three weeks behind last year.
Photos to come someday.
What's blooming where you are?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daffodils are blooming, tulips are up in good shape but not close to blooming, peas are popping out of the ground in the garden, grass is beginning to green in the pastures----it's likely spring will arrive after the next snow storm