Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rainbow carrots in caramel sauce

It's Mardi Gras, one has made scrumptious homemade dark chocolate sauce and homemade caramel sauce with one's toddlers, one has already eaten a sundae and doesn't need any more food, but one can't use the leftover sauces once Lent starts tomorrow.  What does one do?
Dip carrots in the caramel sauce, of course.
If you have good caramel*, and I do, it is really good.  Better, even, then dipping the caramel in the dark chocolate sauce.  But, to be fair, dipping little pretzels in the caramel and then in the chocolate is better still.

*I made two batches of butterscotch/caramel for the sundae parties and managed to screw both up (although they were still tasty).  This was partially redemption just to remind myself that I can burn sugar properly.

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