Friday, May 29, 2015

Of Biblical Proportions

I was at crafting night last week when conversation turned to the weather.  As everyone commented that they had never seen rain like this in Western Oklahoma, one woman added, "And Noah* says we should get 2-4 more inches over the weekend."
"Noah?" asked another, clearly rattled.  "Surely, we don't need an ark yet?"

And that was before we really did receive 3+ inches on Saturday afternoon.  And more Sunday.  And Monday.  And probably Wed. and Thursday. and maybe today.  And before I was locked out of this account while traveling so I couldn't keep up the streak for stroke.  Who knows when that boat will come in handy?

*I don't think she thought it was funny that we were confusing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with the Genesis sailor, but I did.

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