Sunday, April 22, 2007

Banrock Station Sparkling Chardonnay

My first sip of Banrock Station Sparkling Chardonnay left me underwhelmed. I commented to the Mister, "Well, adding bubbles doesn't do a lot for a mediocre chardonnay." It was Friday evening, it had been a very long day to end a very long week and I was ready to sip something to celebrate the coming of spring (for the third, and perhaps last, time this year) and distance me from my poor lecture and my students' abysmal test performance. And, at first sip, the Banrock Station wasn't doing it.
The Mister and I then began to make fun of the color of the wine. Being 100% Chardonnay (but not claiming to be a blanc de blanc), the wine was much more yellow than the sparkling wine we usually drink. "That's mighty amber," commented the Mister. I disagreed, "It's pure yellow. Not straw or amber, plain pee."
"Liquid sunshine in a glass," the Mister responded.
Soon the pork loin he had been roasting was done and we were eating delicious food and laughing and chatting. Suddenly, the wine was not too chardonnay-ey or large-bubbled. It was just the right complement for a just right evening.


Irene said...

Funny how that happens after you've had a few glasses. Not that I would know!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening.