Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekend of Many Rodents

Friday night the Mister saw "Our Marmot" who apparently survived last week's flood (all of the visible groundhog holes were far under water). Saturday we went botanizing to look at spring ephemerals (The flowers were gorgeous. I'm returning with my botany students in tow on Wednesday and hope to take photographs), and saw a groundhog near the interstate, a very fat fox squirrel with quite the foxy tail at Core Arboretum and an eastern chipmunk at the university forest. Sunday night we saw the beaver, suggesting that he, too survived the flood, although I was less concerned about him.


Anonymous said...

We have seen evidence of a beaver at the river near our house, but have not yet actually seen the beaver...anticipation grows!!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Do tell when you find him or her!

Anonymous said...

We won't see near the rodents that you do, but I did see a ground squirrel of some kind in our pasture last Friday. It surprised me because its not something we normally see around here. I was walking the horse home through the pasture because he broke his bridle while we were working calves. I don't understand why Glenn did not want to ride him back to the house!