Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Marmot is Back

We spotted the woodchuck (Marmota monax) that lives by our creek yesterday. We hadn't seen "our marmot" since October (when this photo was taken) so we were unsure as to Mr. Marmot's success in hibernating. We only caught a glimpse, but it seems our marmot is alive and well and anxious to move under the deck when the Mister builds it someday. Hooray!


Jennifer said...

Yeah, marmot made it through the winter.

I don't think we are going to make it to spring here is KS. Have the mister's parents gotten much snow?
We are supposed to get at least an inch. An inch. Man, if I had put in my usual late date prediction for the groundhog party, I might have actually won.

I hope the peonies survive the snow.

Debbie said...

Cool - you two were meant to live in marmor country. I forgot about this blog now that we have knitting blog. HA - I missed last week's cold. Instead I was miserable for a while in the humid Jamaican cities. No worse than Kansas though, in the hot humid summer clammering through stinging nettle to get to a stream.