Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Postdiluvian Mole

As most of readers of Sparking Squirrel know, the Mister braved a great flood here while I was away last week. This evening, a misplaced mole was desperately trying to burrow into the concrete around our basement door (and, I might add, have surprising success at moving chunks of concrete I didn't know were loose, if still failing). I transported him (or her) to more friable ground as the Mister took photos before it disappeared into the earth. Fortuitously, the Mister captured the essential identifying trait of this mole, the hairy tail. As most moles have hairless, pink, rat-like tails, we knew immediately (okay, after flipping through Mammals of North America) that it was a Hairy-Tailed Mole (Parascalops breweri).

Two scoriomorphs in one month! I may be following the year of the rodent with the year of the lucky insectivore.


Jennifer said...

What a cute little mole. Have you named it?

Beth said...

it's adorable - how did you move this little guy?

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I scooped him up with a shovel. He was really struggling surrounded by concrete and didn't mind being moved all that much (second photo is on the shovel). Once moved, he burrowed into the hillside with fantastic speed. A few seconds later all one could see was pulsating vegetation then nothing.

Irene said...

I don't think I have ever actually seen a mole "in person". How neat!