Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tapioca Root?

We purchased this on a January trip to the Asian grocer, and by the time I remembered to chop it up, it was soft and brown inside.  It was labeled as "Tapioca Root" but looked significantly different than the yuca/manioc/cassava roots for sale at the same store.  The internet tells me that tapioca is from cassava roots, so it is no help in this case.
Are any of you? Can you tell me what this was and, should I encounter and buy another, what I should do with it?


Anonymous said...

No idea about the root, but just dropped by to wish you a happy new year!

Debbie said...

I'll pay attention to the manioc roots next time I am in Haiti! I had a real, fresh tapioca shake once. Peel and cook the sweet variety root, then stick in a blender with sugar, water, powdered milk. Yum! It formed little chunks like the tapioca pearls we are used to in pudding.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Hmmm. Thanks Debbie. Pay attention and let me know if it looks more like this or the manioc/yuca/cassava photo.