Tuesday, May 5, 2015

They're learning something in grade negative two

"Mommy, did you know that a pterodactyl is a flying dinosaur?" asks Aster this morning.

This comes just a few weeks after he came home with a navy blue partially inflated balloon in a 2 liter bottle.
A: "We made baby arugula at school."
Parents: ??
A: "We made baby arugula at school."
Parents: ??  "You made baby arugula?"
A: [Exasperated sigh.] "Yes.  And a mommy. It has a blow hole" [Produces a whale of a stuffed white sock.]
Parent: "Is it a baby beluga?"
A: "Yes.  Babies are blue and mommies are white. They all have blow holes."

Aster loves developmental pre-K (officially -2 grade on the paperwork) and he is apparently learning lots, along with his physical, occupational, and speech therapy.  Beluga, arugula, almost the same thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a huge smile! Miss you guys.