Friday, May 30, 2014

Hot radish! Ooowuw!*

The Mister and I just photographed and ate the black radish from the no-longer dirty grocery store in East Lawrence. The knobby black exterior is thicker and wartier than a standard pink radish and the interior seemed whiter, more solid and less pithy, while being overall much more intense.  Heat without pith or bitterness.  It was quite something,

In a few short moments since, I have learned that there exists an award-winning children's book entitled Black Radishes that I clearly need to read, that black radishes are available in a pill form to "support internal organs", that black radishes are also known as Spanish radishes, but were most commonly grown in England and France in the 19th century, and that Oaxaca, Mexico celebrates the Night of the Radish on Dec. 23, AND SO SHOULD WE.  [Information sources: book on Amazon; pills from google search; random facts from Wikipedia (main "Radish" entry); and capitalized conclusion entirely my own.]

*This represents the sound James Brown makes following "Hot Pants!" or, more precisely, the sound that the Mister taught Aster to make following "Hot Tub!" in the style of Eddie Murphy parodying James Brown.

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